Focused and consistent.


Galatians 2. Focused on Jesus, not on what others might think or say. Being consistent, walking a straight line rather than being hypocritical – as Paul thought Peter was being.

Saved by grace.


Galatians Chapter 1 We are saved by grace alone; freedom from being bound by laws/religiosity/ritual.  Introduction to series and ‘centred-set’ approach to church life.

Mary Magdalene (cont.)


John 20 v1-18. Mary is mentioned by name 14 times across all four gospels – personal recognition from Jesus and others.  It was when she heard her name spoken from the mouth of Jesus that Mary realised it was Him. Power of the personal, spoken word. Her first thought and action after that personal encounter […]

Mary Magdalene – A woman who led the way in following Jesus.


Luke 8 v 1-3; John 19 v 25. From darkness to light – We don’t know whether Mary Magdalene was present and involved on what we now call Palm Sunday but as one of Jesus’ closest followers, she may well have been. Healed, delivered from demons, she continued to follow Jesus for her own protection […]

Mary of Bethany. A woman with insight.


John 12 v1-11; Matt 26 v6-13. Mary of Bethany. A woman with insight.  An ordinary occasion with five principal characters, made extraordinary by a deliberate act of lavish generosity which provoked a hostile response. Jesus used this incident to teach a universal truth. In so doing, ordinary people became world famous and still are today.

Mary, the mother of Jesus.


Luke 2; John 19 25-27. Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Present at Jesus’ first breath and final breath.  She pondered the visitors to His birth and then heard the pain of Simeon’s prophecy and Jesus being left at the temple.  Her faith was expressed at the first miracle, only to be rejected later along with […]



Romans 12: 1-2. What does Sacrifice and Worship look like in our lives every day of the week.

Persecution, Partnership and Power.


Phillipians 1: 3 – 21 Persecution of the early christian church took the gospel in to places and to people where nothing else could reach them. This is still the same today as we are called to Partnership in the Gospel and to realise the Power of Testimony. So, what can I do (Ezek 22:30). […]