Jeremiah – Living with Hope – Part 2

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Chapters 30-52. Here we need to work hard to hold onto hope as frequently it gets hidden behind adversity, disaster and destruction. Yet, hope is still there as Jeremiah continued to live with hope in the righteousness of Yahweh.
As we work through these chapters we will pick up on the themes that emerge of a faithful God journeying in relationship with his people in exile. Sometimes those themes focus on Jeremiah and so we will learn from his experiences and responses something for our ourselves individually and as God’s church today.
At other times we will seek to engage more at the national level, and even at the wider level of the other nations that surrounded the people of God. There we will be looking out for how we might relate to what we are studying as God’s missional church who are tasked with declaring the gospel message through our interactions with the world around us.
Towards the end of our studies, when hope seems to have vanished in the midst of the fall of Jerusalem, we need to come back again to the words ‘“I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord’, and see again how our living hope is made complete not just in the present reality of our relationship with God, but also in his future promise of faithfulness.