Alive in Christ

110 of 25 items

Total transformation.


Romans 12: 1-2. After 11 chapters of explanation, there is no doubt in Paul’s mind: “in view of God’s mercy” we need to live transformed lives – we need to be “Living the Gospel”! The transformation he speaks of in these two verses is about moving away from the ways of the world, and moving […]

God’s unbreakable promise.


Romans 11: 1-36 Paul sets out the difference between what we have now, and the future hope to come. Some were already secure in their relationship with God; others who had once rejected God were now having another think; others thought it was too late for them. Paul explains how God moves all people towards […]

A matter of choice and responsibility.


Romans 9:1 to Romans 10:21 Paul’s sorrow in chapter 9 is about those who have rejected God, even though they already know that through Christ, He has chosen to call them His children. Then in chapter 10 Paul addresses the responsibility we all have of accepting God’s choice of us. He speaks from the heart as […]

Know your DNA.


Romans 12: 1-21 Our DNA makes us who we are. So who are we? We bless and show generous hospitality. We learn and we listen. We live out courageous faith and intentional mission. Why? That’s the big question that we hope people will ask us. “Why do you do those things?”. And our answer? Well […]

Here am I, send someone else.


Exodus 3:7 -4:13; Isaiah 6:1-8; Luke 10:1-17 When we are fully “living questionable lives” people around us will notice and ask about our worldview and values. That’s because what we see will be distinctive. It will look and feel different, in good ways. Then the questions will start! This is the way of life for […]

Listen to Me.


1 Samuel 3: 1-10. Whilst we might be able to multi-task with some things, when it comes to listening, it needs our full attention. God didn’t give us two ears so that we could half listen to two things at the same time! We can only fully hear the voice of the Lord when we […]

Be generous with hospitality.


Luke 19: 1-10. How often do we view a meal table as a sacred place? Jesus spent a lot time eating with people, and some He chose to dine with provoked plenty of questions! How often do we show hospitality to other people? Michael Frost says: “The table is the great equalizer in relationships. When […]

Live to Bless.


Living questionable lives – Live to Bless. Philippians 2: 1-11. This week’s task: “I will bless three people this week, at least one of whom is not a member of our church”. We underestimate the impact of blessing someone. A word of encouragement or affirmation, an act of kindness, or a thoughtful gift can bless […]

Get ready for questions.


Colossians 3:1 to 4:6. What does it mean for us today to be “Living questionable lives”? What will it mean tomorrow, next month, next year? Being intentional and consistent are two keys that will unlock our understanding. So will spontaneity and the unexpected. Here’s how Michael Frost describes it, ” we need the impetus to […]

Unity and Sincerity.


Matthew 6:12-15; Luke 11:4 A prayer-filled life of intimacy with God and trusting Him in all things needs to include seeking forgiveness for ourselves, from others, and towards others. A life of unity is vital for the flourishing of God’s Kingdom, and it’s reflected in the sincerity of our hearts of love. Anything less distorts […]