The New Humanity.


Genesis 1 – 3. Throughout the Spiritual Beings series, we’ve been exploring how spiritual beings fit into the storyline of the Bible and how important this theme is in understanding the mission and identity of Jesus. Today, we will see how the story of Jesus brings to fulfilment the story of all humanity, as presented […]

The Divine Council, Satan and the Deceiver


Psalm 89: 5-7, Job 1: 6-7 The biblical authors believed that Heaven and Earth are parallel realities, each inhabited by creatures that have been delegated with God’s blessing to rule and oversee that realm. These creatures are called “the host of heaven” and “the host of the land” (Gen. 2:1), or spiritual beings and humans. […]

Introduction and Elohim.


Genesis 1………….  Understanding spiritual beings in the Bible requires us to reorient ourselves to how the biblical authors saw the world, and to do that, we need to reconsider the story of Genesis chapter 1.

Confusion and Chaos.


Judges Chapters 17 to 21. Sorrow in the christian life comes often from the prayer for God’s guidance on the path we have already chosen.



Judges 6:1 – 7:8. Do we listen to God when things get tough, perhaps we ignore Him, but….. God shouts loudest when things are tough – Judges 6:1-6 God knows more than we do – Judges 6: 7 – 12 God’s power is what matters – Judges 7: 1 – 8