Feeling most alive!
Psalm 139. When / where do you feel most alive?
Psalm 139. When / where do you feel most alive?
John 4: 1 – 42. Jesus spoke with a woman who would have been considered an outsider and sinner. Setting us an example, Jesus broke down cultural barriers to meet with people and show the gift of life on offer to everyone. Following this interaction, the Samaritan woman goes back to her community and tells […]
Esther 4, 5:1-8, 7. Esther was placed in a position of power and used this to serve God and His people. Although faced with a difficult situation, Esther stands up for God’s people. In the New Testament, Jesus tells us that when we serve those in need we are serving Him (Matthew 25:35-36).
Luke 1: 5-25, 57-80 We are told that Elizabeth and Zechariah were “righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly” (v. 6), yet they were childless. God responded to their faithfulness by entrusting them with raising a man who would play an important role in Jesus’ ministry.
Luke 7: 37-50. Worship can be seen in many ways, and perhaps most commonly in the form of singing and music in the modern church. However, there are other examples in scripture of worship to God. The woman who washes Jesus’ feet with ointment is one example of humble worship, honouring Him, and giving to […]
Nehemiah 1: 1-11 Nehemiah was a man of constant prayer as can be seen in the fourteen recorded prayers in the short book of Nehemiah. Before he set out on the project, Nehemiah prayed. When he approached the king, he prayed. When he was in trouble, he prayed. He demonstrated his faith in God and […]
Acts 9: 10-19. Although God’s plan may not always seem clear, He calls us to discern and follow His will, often shared with us by the Holy Spirit, to achieve what He has set out to be accomplished. Ananias was sent by God into a potentially dangerous situation, yet he followed what God had instructed […]
Genesis 1 – 3. Throughout the Spiritual Beings series, we’ve been exploring how spiritual beings fit into the storyline of the Bible and how important this theme is in understanding the mission and identity of Jesus. Today, we will see how the story of Jesus brings to fulfilment the story of all humanity, as presented […]
Genesis 18: 1-2, 22. Genesis 3:24, Genesis 7:13. Messengers from God.
Psalm 89: 5-7, Job 1: 6-7 The biblical authors believed that Heaven and Earth are parallel realities, each inhabited by creatures that have been delegated with God’s blessing to rule and oversee that realm. These creatures are called “the host of heaven” and “the host of the land” (Gen. 2:1), or spiritual beings and humans. […]