Bromsgrove Baptist Church (previously known as New Road Baptist Church) is a lively, family friendly, evangelical church situated in the centre of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.

We are a group of ordinary people sharing the same ‘ups and downs’ of life as you. We come from all walks of life having different, and yet at times, the same concerns, disappointments, fears, doubts, and joys. Married, single, employed, unemployed, young and old, all unique yet trying to encourage and love one another unconditionally along life’s journey. Why do we do that? Because the one thing we have in common is that we all have experienced something of the love of God and with God’s help we want others to experience it too.

Everyone is welcome whether you’re a child, teenager, those in middle years or you’re a little more mature! Why not come along and visit us? You’ll be assured of a friendly welcome.

The church is a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Heart of England Baptist Association,  Churches Together in Bromsgrove and the Evangelical Alliance. We are in full support of BMS World Mission and have Action Teams sharing in the life of the church before and after their placement, and Home Mission.

The website will tell you something about us and what’s going on. Please feel free to ‘click’ around and to get in touch if you have any questions.

We hope to see you very soon!

Our Policies can be viewed here