“They devoted themselves” – focusing on being church

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As we begin a New Year we adopt a “verse for the year” that focuses our attention fully on being church: “They devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, giving to those in need. All the believers were together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God” (from Acts 2 vs. 42-47, NIV). But what do these words mean to us and how thoroughly are we living them out?
Our focus in this series will be to look again at the example of the early church in Acts to be inspired and empowered for all that God is asking of us as His church now. This will coincide with leadership team and church meeting discussions looking at a possible new vision statement for us as church. An additional focus at the January church meeting will be to explore a better understanding of “membership” being about “covenant partnership” as a community of God’s covenant people.
It is as we bring these three strands together (Acts 2, vision statement, covenant partnership) that we will be looking to God to shape us more and more into being the church that we are meant to be for His glory and for the sake of His kingdom.