Set free to serve.


Galatians 5. Set free in order to serve others – in the church and outside of the church. Love others as you would want to be loved.

Live in freedom for Jesus.


Galatians 4: 11 – 20. Having a heart to help others who are struggling, helping them to be right with God. Not bounded but not fuzzy either.  There is a right way to live in freedom for Jesus

Messengers of the King.


John 18:36, Colossians 1: 13-20. What is our role as Messengers of the King? How can we call people to turn and enter the Kingdom of God? How do we do everything for the Glory of God?

Galatians 3: 1-14.


Galatians 3: 1-14. Paul’s use of the OT to counter Jewish religiosity – even Abraham was justified by faith, not by law Seeing the OT in a culturally relevant way today.

Focused and consistent.


Galatians 2. Focused on Jesus, not on what others might think or say. Being consistent, walking a straight line rather than being hypocritical – as Paul thought Peter was being.