Genesis 1-2, Col 3.22-4.1.

Working is part of being created, it’s part of why we are as we are, and that although we live in a frustrated and fallen world that affects everything we are involved in, we still can work in a way that brings glory to God. We were created to work – it’s part of God’s blessing (Genesis 1:26-28) – and we were created to work well.  In Colossians 3:10 the Christians in Colossae have been reminded that their new identity has been established – remade and renewed in the knowledge of the creator – the one who created us for fruitfulness in the first place.

·         Can I see these people I’m working for, or working with differently? Can I see them as created, loved, longed for by God?

·         Can I use these hands to work with faithfulness and skill to do something that can be offered as worship to God?

.         Can I work in such a way that reflects the restoring work of Christ – the one who will reward us for the work we do – because the work we do expresses something of the creator we serve?