Sermons by Jean Spencer

2130 of 106 items

Created to be Fruitful.


Genesis 1:24-31, Colossians 1:1-20. This passage is such a highpoint of Paul’s writing. It has a majestic view of Jesus, the church and God’s plans for the whole world. It is a definite mountain top moment in the letter. Paul begins by reminding them that they have been brought out of one way of life […]

Connecting with God, Unshakeable Holy Spirit: The Spirit renews.


Romans 8: 1-17. Renewal through the Holy Spirit happens as we turn away from our “old” selves, and embrace our “new” selves. Turn away from the “old” you (vs. 1-11): Bound by the law of sin & death (vs. 1-2); Minds controlled by the “sinful nature” lead to destruction and death (vs. 5-9); Sinful nature: […]

Connecting with God, Our Father: Tenants of the King: My Property…?


Genesis 2:15-18; Colossians 1:15-20. Why did God create the world? Where’s creation going? Which parts of creation matter to Him? In this opening session, we begin considering the big picture of God’s creation, and our identity as tenants in His land. This whole universe was made through Jesus, by Jesus and it was made for […]

Serving to transform.


Philippians. Whilst Paul’s main reason for writing his letter to the Philippians was to thank them for the gift they’d sent him, he took the opportunity to say so much more! His opinion is very clear: no matter what your circumstances are (he was under house arrest in Rome at the time), you can always […]

Serving together.


Galatians 3:1-14. In Galatians Paul challenges the thoughts that had crept into the church about the need to maintain Old Testament ceremonial practices. Instead, his theology is firmly fixed on the truth that it is by faith alone that we are made right with God, and that faith is lived out in the freedom of […]

Encouragement to look back.


2 Peter 1: 16 – 21 ; 2 Peter 3: 15 – 16. We can know that our faith is founded on sure foundations when we turn to the eye-witness accounts in scripture and the Holy Spirit inspired communication through the Prophets (representing the Old Testament) and Peter and Paul (representing the New Testament). Reading […]

Keep on talking Jesus.


Hebrews 12:1-3; Colossians 4:2-6. When Jesus called his first disciples, he invited them to “Follow me”. Peter was invited by his brother, Andrew, to come and meet Jesus. There will always be someone who God is prompting us to talk to about Jesus – it’s reckoned that 70% of regular church goers will know immediately […]

Prayer-filled living.


1 Thessalonians 5 v16-18. That constancy of prayer not only involves a consistent fellowship with God but also an outworking of that relationship in the way we live our lives – daily, moment by moment, not just in the ‘big’ decisions of life. It means living out God’s love in the world which He created, […]