Romans 16: 1 – 27.

There’s plenty that we can see in this final chapter that goes beyond it being just a list of names! Paul is still instructing us how to keep on “living the gospel” here. His list of names cuts across social divisions as he includes Jews, Gentiles, freed slaves and the descendants of slaves.

  • Paul wants us to “think socially”. He warns again about divisions and anything that gets in the way of serving the Lord.
  • Paul wants us to “think orderly”. He demonstrates equality within the community of God’s people as he includes men and women in his acknowledgements of those serving the Lord
  • Paul wants us to “think inclusively”. His final statement sets his unmoveable missional heart in place: God’s people are to go about “Living the Gospel” as they “think missionally”.

This is all “by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey Him – to the only wise God be glory for ever through Jesus Christ! Amen!” (vs. 26-27).