

Isaiah 40. Preparation is everything; whether this is for our Christmas festivities at home or worshipping God this Christmas. How much time do we spend in preparation; do we Recognise the need, have a readiness to receive and actually receive the gift ?

A question of faith.


Mark 4: 35 – 41. Do you know what it’s like to be rebuked with a question? It’s certainly something that Jesus did with surprising frequency. And there’s a fascinating example of this in the calming of the storm. Jesus and His disciples are sailing across a lake after a full day of teaching, when […]

Jesus – the Light of the World


Lead by the Monday Night Homegroup with Derek Cotterill from Birmingham City Mission.   There were some issues with the powerpoint supplied by Derek so the first half of his talk does not show any pictures.

Are You Feeling Uncomfortable?


Luke 10:25–30, 36–37. What is the most uncomfortable question you’ve ever been asked? I doubt the expert in the law, a theologian, at the centre of this exchange with Jesus enjoyed being asked: ‘Which of the three was a neighbour to the man?’ It’s the theologian who starts the conversation by asking Jesus a question […]

The power of the question.


Luke 8 : 42 – 48. It’s a puzzling question, but one that changes a woman’s life. ‘Who touched me?’ A crazy thing to ask in the circumstances surely, but Jesus wants an answer. Is it because He doesn’t know who has touched Him? Or does He want the woman to know that He knows […]