Sermons by Dr. David Law

3137 of 37 items

Be My child.


Luke 18: 15 – 17. Jesus invites us to come to Him as a child who is able to trust easily, and so establish faith in an uncomplicated way. How can we recapture a childlike approach to our relationship with Jesus, yet still know the deep significance of a relationship with Him?

Gospel witnesses.


Matt. 9:9-13; Mark. 8:22-30; Luke. 1:1-4; John. 1:1-9 “Sceptical scholars often compare the way the Bible’s accounts of Jesus were passed on, with the children’s telephone game, where children whisper a complicated message from one to another. In the process the message is corrupted, and at the end everyone has a good laugh. But how […]

Love that Transforms.


John 13: 31-38. “By this, all people will know that you are my disciples – if you love one another”. The way that we share life together through belonging has the power to be transformative in a world where independence ignores relationship and puts limits on belonging. Note – This recording includes a time of […]

Lord, teach us to pray.


Luke 11: 1-28. Many of us are familiar with Jesus teaching his disciples the Lord’s Prayer and His parables about persistence. However, they’re worth looking at again, especially if we go on to see what Luke includes next. Jesus’ ministry challenges evil powers that hold people captive. So-called spiritual warfare is a dimension to prayer […]

A covenant people.


Nehemiah 9:1 to 10:39 The focus on who the people are called to be continues. They’re reminded about what God has done in the past, His faithfulness and father-like care. Sadly, the people have been wayward and suffered the consequences. Their response is to make a covenant and re-dedicate themselves to the Lord’s service. This […]